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Drawings (including originals, pulls, and duplicates)

Romantic reconstruction drawing of the "Queen's Megaron" by Emile Gilliéron the younger, 1922-1926.

Proposed restoration of the "Royal Staircase" at Knossos by Christian Doll, 1905.

This section includes more than 2,250 original drawings. These drawings document objects and frescoes, architectural remains, and the topography of Knossos. This material is the largest original assemblage of archival documentation of this type from Sir Arthur Evans's excavations at Knossos. Although a number of these drawings were used in the Palace of Minos, Evans's chief publication of his Knossos work, and related publications, this section includes numerous unpublished drawings, the study of which could advance our knowledge on architecture, topography, and the restoration of frescoes and objects at Knossos and Crete as a whole. In this section there are also thousands of pulls and duplicates, mostly from the Palace of Minos.

  1. AJE Fresco Drawings: about 400 original drawings.
  2. AJE Topographical and Architectural plans: about 350 original drawings.
  3. AJE Objects: more than 1,500 original drawings.
  4. There are also a few maps (including non-Cretan); hundreds of pulls and duplicates (mostly from the Palace of Minos and related publications); and a few fresco replicas and prints originally used in the 1936 Royal Academy exhibition.

D/1/1: Fresco Drawings (EFD), about 400. A list has been prepared by Dr Susan Sherratt with the help of Gareth Roberts. Most of these drawings have been digitized as part of the Digital Library initiative of the Bodleian Library.

D/1/2: Topographical (ETP) and Architectural Plans (EAP), about 350 drawings. A list has been prepared by Dr Susan Sherratt with the help of Gareth Roberts. Most of these drawings have been digitized as part of the Digital Library initiative of the Bodleian Library.

D/1/3: Object drawings, probably >1,500.

NOTE: As the drawings are stored in a plan chest, it is necessary to list here the contents of the chest by drawer. The accession numbers of the objects listed in drawers 10, 13-36 refer to the list of Fresco and Topo drawings prepared by Dr S. Sherratt (available in the department) :